Words of appreciation
Walter Salanic
Let me tell you about Walter Salanic. Walter is an example of someone who is overcoming significant obstacles and challenges and is making a difference with the help of Hispanic Ministries. Walter came from Guatemala with his family to live in Portland and now pastors Fresh Anointing Church in Milwaukee. As he fulfills his pastoral duties, he is also studying at the Hispanic Institute to earn his diploma in Pastoral Ministry. He has a desire to better serve his community. So, with the help of the Hispanic Ministries, he has started training leaders in Fresh Anointing Church. More than 20 new Hispanic leaders are now being trained. Working with Hispanic Ministry, Walter is able to raise up community leaders who want to improve the quality of life for their families, their church, and their community.
We need to reach more leaders like Walter and congregations like Fresh Anointing Church. With our help and yours, others like Walter can take what they are learning in the Hispanic Institute, train new leaders, strengthen congregations, build community, and strengthen families.